Golf clubs set to close under Level 5 restricitons

Irish Golfer

(Photo by Quinn Rooney/Getty Images)

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The news many of us have been dreading sounds imminent with widespread reports suggesting that the GUI and ILGU have lost the battle to keep golf courses open amid Level 5 Restrictions.

The sport is amongst a number of codes feeling the impact of the latest restrictions with all sport set to close with the exception of elite and professional sports. That means other outdoor disciplines like tennis, hockey and sailing will also return to lockdown.

It’s understood that the GUI and ILGU had presented a strong case to Sport Ireland who in turn dealt with the Government in the hopes of keeping golf going throughout the six week lockdown period, but those efforts now seem in vain.

We’ll have the full report as soon as we get it.

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14 responses to “Golf clubs set to close under Level 5 restricitons”

  1. JL avatar

    Driving ranges should remain open yeah? given level 5 for sport includes:

    “All other training activities should be individual only.”

  2. John Kelly avatar

    Can not understand why full contact sports are allowed to proceed and Golf a non contact sport and a means of exercise for many elderly people men and women and people with Disabilities has to close during level 5.

    1. Michael l avatar
      Michael l

      Madness have not heard any problems with golf clubs since golf gate and Offaly. Non contact sport/recreation for all, Gaa and others getting preference. No logic there

  3. Declan M avatar
    Declan M

    Absolutely comical like the government this doesnt make one bit of sense and they expect us to buy into these restrictions i think everyone has had enough of this now and its probably all because of golfgate which is the real reason why golf courses are being shut down not because of any other reason. Personally im not going to adhere to restrictions sue me.

  4. Shay O Tool avatar
    Shay O Tool

    Bye bye yo all the new members that joined clubs this year

  5. Joe Mahoney avatar
    Joe Mahoney

    All golfers should inform their clubs they will not be renewing memberships unless this is reversed.

  6. Patrick J Byrne avatar

    A total joke when you compare it to football ,hurling,GAA being allowed run championships,all contact sports.while tourists go in and out of the country without any restrictions ,the only other problem being the 5 Kms limit,which means many couldn’t go to their clubs anyway,unless to municipal courses within the 5ks,

  7. chaz avatar

    silly decision by Govmt. But then what would you expect from them. non contact sport that has kept my head in the right place through these difficult times. Shame on you. Mental health ?????? Drives me mad.

  8. Pat Nolan avatar
    Pat Nolan

    This is a joke, golf is a non contact sport. There was no cases of covid 19 published to my knowledge. People use golf as a recreation and exercise and a means to get out of there home and people use golf as a help to there mental health. The government can allow contact sports such as g.a.a. and rugby. Golf is played in the open air and golf courses are played in 150 to 200 acres fields.

  9. Paul O avatar

    Absolutely crazy decision to close golf. Casual golf presents no acknowledged danger of Covid transmission. If these decisions are supposed to help buy in to a strategy to contain the virus, they are having the opposite effect. Lots of respect and good faith lost here sadly. Clueless….

  10. Ollie Cullen avatar
    Ollie Cullen

    It’s very disappointing that the only social sporting outlet many people have is put into lockdown…and I remember some of my friends who had recovered from various illnesses were told by their doctors to go and play golf as it was good mentally and physically you’re out in the fresh air metres apart no contact whatsoever and when the game is over in for a Cup of coffee or whatever all in a controlled environment and now all that’s taken away as we face into a dark and long winter… what about our mental health and this goes for other types of sports as well in particular where you can social distance….we have the GAA and Rugby who’s player’s will be in direct contact throughout the full game… it’s not fair not at all….

  11. Marie O'Brien avatar
    Marie O'Brien

    I am very confused that Tennis Ire could negotiate to keep outdoor courts open for general play but the ILGU and GUI could not make a proper case for Golf Clubs to remain open. With Protocols in place golf can be played without fear of contacting Covid and indeed it is the only sport which most older members of society feel safe engaging in. Far safer than tennis where the players handle the same balls. Even if golfers only got out to play in 2 balls or on their own once or twice a week it would be worthwhile outdoor exercise and something to look forward to. I am very disappointed that our representative body was unable to persuade the Green Party Minister of the merits of keeping our courses open and not merely driving ranges or youth camp courses during mid term break. It seems to me that golf club members who have paid annual fees should get a rebate of one quarter if courses remain closed for a further 6 weeks this year and of capitation fees. It would be much better to be out playing golf and to this end I would ask the representative bodies to go back once more with a mediated plan to Govt and in particular appeal to the Taoiseach. The sports Ministers proposals are clearly discriminatory and ageist. Even if the Green party is happy to accept this tag FF does not need to further raise the ire of its core grey vote again

  12. Joe Mahoney avatar
    Joe Mahoney

    Absolutely right. It’s outrageous that tennis courts can remain open but not golf courses. Eamonn Ryan appears to be the villain here, but the GUI has once again proved itself ineffectual and unfit for purpose. If it can’t even keep the courses open it should be abolished forthwith. If all members inform their clubs of no membership renewals, they will have to pressurise the GUI to go back to the ruling tyrants and have this reversed.

  13. Noel Frazer avatar
    Noel Frazer

    GUI/ILGU amalgamation is supposed to strengthen the relationship for all golfers in Ireland (26counties).They have failed us already by their inability to demand from Government a place at the top table which has done for golf courses by allowing a decision which is detrimental to the well-being of nearly 400,000 citizens.Shame on you both for your inability to represent us,???

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