Irish golfers choose Motocaddy to navigate the fairways

Irish Golfer

Paul McGinley - Motocaddy

Irish Golfer

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A growing number of avid golfers are likely to regard electric trolleys as the most satisfying method of getting around a golf course and an increasing number are choosing to use them more frequently, especially in Ireland, according to independent research contained in a new report charting the history of the golfing caddie. 

The 2022 Motocaddy Report, a 28-page document recently published by the powered trolley brand, show Motocaddy is the ‘most considered’ brand for purchase in Ireland (82%). 

Ireland can claim to have the highest percentage of electric golf trolley usage in the world (66%), with Irish golfers being the most long-standing trolley owners too with half having owned their trolley for more than 5-years. 

They are also likely to play more golf (57%) thanks to various benefits – the ability to walk without the strain of carrying a bag (85%); making golf more enjoyable (63%); having more energy at the end of the round (62%); and maintaining a good pace of play (50%). 

Additional research shows most Irish golfers (85%) have more energy to hit the ball better when using an electric trolley and 31% say they’re in a better place mentally. Almost a third (28%) believe they swing more easily and 27% have a more consistent swing, while 34% also say they’re either very, or quite likely to buy a new trolley in the next 12 months. 

Currently, more than a third of Irish golfers (35%) can be found on the fairways operating a Motocaddy model, with 45% selecting Motocaddy as their favourite trolley brand on the market, whilst Motocaddy owners are the most likely to recommend their brand of electric trolley to a friend. 

“These findings are very positive and demonstrate the important part that powered trolleys play for Irish golfers,” said Marketing Director, Oliver Churcher.  

“It is great to see the difference that electric trolleys are making to their performance and enjoyment of the game as well as the really positive attitudes towards our products and the strength we have as a brand in Ireland.”  

  • 82% of Irish people consider Motocaddy when purchasing an Electric Trolley 
  • 66% of Irish golfers use an Electric Trolley, more than any other country 
  • 63% of Irish golfers say using an Electric Trolley makes a round more enjoyable 
  • 35% of Irish golfers use a Motocaddy model 
  • 34% of Irish golfers are likely to buy a new trolley in the next 12 months 

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