National & Regional ‘Women in Golf Charter Champions’ announced

Irish Golfer

Back Row (l-r): Michael Evans, Oonagh McDermott, Bernie McQuaid, Juan Fitzgerald Front Row (l-r): Jane Joyce, Harry McAlinden, Mary Grogan Absent from Photo: John Power, Marion Arnold and Richard Lee

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Golf Ireland has announced ten Charter Champions who will promote the work of the Women in Golf Charter nationwide.

Two members of the Golf Ireland board have been joined by an additional eight others from all four regions with the view of promoting the work of the Charter.

Speaking at the launch, Golf Ireland Board Member Jane Joyce said: “The Charter Champions is really important for Golf Ireland. We want to grow the game, and that is for everyone. Gender inclusivity is a huge part of that.

“The Charter Champions is a tool that will help us with gender equality across the board. Every club that has signed up is coming from a different place. Some clubs are they already, and need the rubber stamp. We need to grow the game, and this will help us do that.”

Harry McAlinden is one of five men that have signed up to be a Charter Champion, and he feels the role of men will be very important in ensuring the programme is a success.

“The vast majority of clubs are male dominated. To help bring change, we have to have men making those changes, and involved in making them. When I was asked to be a Charter Champion, I said yes straight away.”

Golf Ireland National Charter Champions
Jane Joyce and John Power

Golf Ireland Regional Charter Champions
Michael Evans and Oonagh McDermott (Connacht)
Mary Grogan and Harry McAlinden (Leinster)
Marion Arnold and Juan Fitzgerald (Munster)
Richard Lee and Bernie McQuaid (Ulster)


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