PGA Tour 37-Page ‘Health & Safety’ Plan – Main Points

Irish Golfer

An example of what won't be happening behind Rory McIlroy during June's Charles Schwab Challenge (Photo by Stan Badz/PGA TOUR)

Irish Golfer

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The PGA Tour has released a very comprehensive 37-page ‘Health and Safety’ Plan for the information of all those ‘working’ the Tour ahead of a restart to competition hopefully next month at the Charles Schwab Challenge in Fort Worth, Texas,
Hereunder is firstly an introduction and followed by the key points in the booklet.
While we believe we have created an extremely comprehensive health and safety plan, we will not play if we do not feel we can provide a safe and healthy environment for all constituents involved.
In implementing our testing plan, we will not do so in a manner that takes away from testing and medical resources in the communities in which we play or for affected groups in those communities.
The integrity of the competition is of the utmost importance, and to that end nothing will be implemented in a way that detracts from that goal.



  • Questionnaire & thermal will produce results rapidly
  • Currently, PCR nasal swabs will take 24-48 hours at best
  • The Tour endeavors to identify local laboratories to process tests in a matter of hours
  • The Tour will not take away resources from the community ▪ Individuals waiting for test results may go onsite for practice or play only, no access to facilities ▪ Results will be communicated directly to the individual and the PGA TOUR Medical Advisor
  • In the event that an individual presents with an elevated temperature (over 100.4) during a daily thermal screen, then a protocol will be initiated that could include a COVID-19 test HEALTH & SAFETY PLAN


  • In compliance with federal and local health guidelines, in the event of a positive test result the individual will be immediately isolated in a designated location either off-site or on-site, consulted by a physician and directed to medical care if necessary
  • Individual will be required to self isolate until a minimum of 10 days after the positive test and no subsequent symptoms or two negative test results at least 24 hours apart
  • Travel home by car is possible if safe to do so
  • The Tour and tournament to provide support throughout the isolation period
  • Personalized medical care by a local specialist would be available ▪
  • CDC guidelines may require close contacts or those exposed to self quarantine
  • Players and caddies who test positive will not be permitted to participate in the competition
  • The Tour will provide each affected individual with a stipend for costs associated with the self-isolation
  • Any player who competes in a tournament, makes the cut but is then unable to finish due to a COVID-19 positive test will receive last place unofficial money


  • The Tour will provide all face covers/masks and disinfectant wipes on property for all personnel, volunteers, players and caddies
  • The Tour will cover the costs of all testing for players, caddies and essential staff (as determined by TOUR) each week.
  • The Tour will provide thermal scanning equipment to be used at all tournament entrances
  • The tournament to provide all hand sanitizer stations (contactless), pump bottles and travel bottles on property
  • The tournament is responsible for overall health, safety & hygiene plan on property in consultation with the Tour.


The following groups will be tested − Players & Caddies −

  • PGA TOUR On-site staff including (but not limited to)
  • Rules & Scoring Officials, Media Officials, Security & Player Relations
  • Select ShotLink staff
  • Select Tournament staff
  • Player & Caddie Services & Starters
  • Clubhouse staff
  • Independent Trainers
  • Hulka’s Overland Players’ Express


  • Allowed on the range and practice areas but must adhere to social distancing guidelines and always stay 6 feet away from the player
  • Should never have any direct contact with the player or touch the player with any instrument or device.
  • Allowed to walk inside the ropes on the practice rounds in a socially distant manner
  • Allowed to walk outside the ropes on competition days ONLY if in a working capacity
  • Restricted from Player Dining & Locker Room
  • Interpreters – approved on case by base basis
  • Players must notify the Tour of all player support personnel working with them seven days in advance of each tournament.


  • Not permitted onsite for at least the first four events


  • One physio-therapy unit onsite
  • Open for acute injury treatment only
  • Due to their line of work, this group will be tested
  • Enhanced operational and disinfectant protocols have been put in place


  • Allowed on the range and practice areas but must adhere to social distancing guidelines and always stay 6 feet away from the player
  • Should never have any direct contact with the player or touch the player with any instrument or device.
  • Allowed to walk inside the ropes on the practice rounds in a socially distant manner
  • Allowed to walk outside the ropes on competition days ONLY if in a working capacity
  • Restricted from Player Dining & Locker Room
  • Interpreters – approved on case by base basis
  • Players must notify the Tour of all player support personnel working with them seven days in advance of each tournament


  • Player Locker Room – Limited due to square footage allowances (36 sq.ft./player)
  • Caddies & golf bags prohibited from Locker Room ▪ Caddie HQ – Limited due to square footage allowances
  • Physio Trucks – Available for acute injury treatment only
  • Hulka’s Overland Players’ Express – Will be available with safety & sanitization protocols in place


  • Bag storage
  • Clubhouse gyms will be closed
  • All off-site activities and events
  • Concierge services such as gifting, products, handouts etc. ▪ In dining reservations ▪ Event & entertainment activities/tickets ▪ Valet Parking (unless TOUR-approved health and safety plan is in place) ▪ Dry Cleaning


  • Players and caddies will be strongly encouraged to use charter services between tournaments.
  • Arrangements for one charter flight (on PGA TOUR, PGA TOUR Champions and Korn Ferry Tour) to next tournament location.
  • 170 passenger capacity possibly restricted due to health and safety measures (e.g., one passenger every other seat).
  • Seats exclusively reserved for players and caddies. PGA TOUR and PGA TOUR Champions players will be charged $600 per seat. Korn Ferry Tour players and all caddies (on all Tours) will be charged $300 per seat. Player reservations will take priority over caddie reservations.
  • “First come, first served” reservations required by Monday – one week before departure. Refunds available if cancellation made at least 24 hours before departure or if a passenger with a reservation tests positive for Coronavirus before the flight.
  • The anticipated departure date is Monday following the tournament.
  • ALL passengers REQUIRED to submit to viral testing within 24 hours of departure. Only passengers who test negative for the Coronavirus will be allowed to board the flight. (No exceptions)
  • Personal protection equipment will be provided for the flight. All health and safety measures/protocols (TBD) required by the charter operator must be followed.
  • Food and beverage may not be offered during the flight (TBD).
  • Baggage limitations or restrictions may apply (TBA)


  • We are strongly recommending and asking all players and caddies to stay in the designated host hotel(s) as determined by the tournament.
  • Best efforts to create a controlled environment − Will work with each tournament to establish designated hotel(s) –
  • One hotel is ideal
    − Sanitization practices will be understood / established with the host hotel(s)
    − Full-service hotel is preferred to limit the need to leave property


  • RV’s will be allowed
  • Rental homes will be allowed with proper sanitization practices approved by TOUR
  • Local players can stay at their own homes ▪ All local constituents on property can stay at their own homes (tournament staff, volunteers etc.)


  • Sterilization of vehicles and proper pick-up/drop-off procedures that distance contact from individuals are important.
  • Commercial rental car companies such as Avis may be best suited to implement these procedures, but tournaments may also choose (if feasible) to implement courtesy vehicles based on their official vehicle relationships.
  • In general, players & caddies are responsible for their own transportation throughout the week. − If with Rental Cars – Players & caddies asked to rent (at their expense). Tournament to work with rental company to provide safe and streamlined pick-up/drop-off procedures − If with Courtesy Cars – Allowed on a tournament-bytournament basis if health and safety protocols approved by TOUR
  • Rideshare/Taxi – NOT permitted


  • Onsite Pro-Ams – Wednesday & Ancillary
  • Traditional Sponsor Value Program
  • Traditional Honorary Observer Program ▪ Special Events Requiring In Person Attendance


  • Will continue to be placed on property for players to reference


  • Will still be present at all events and locations determined by advance Rules Official
  • Overall amount of roping will be reduced, but is necessary with Broadcast cabling and other operations occurring during competition
    Note: Scoreboards & Rope & Stake plan applies to PGA TOUR events only


  • Always adhere to recommended social distancing guidelines
  • No shaking hands and contact of any kind (fist bumps/high fives)
  • Wash your hands with soap and water frequently and before and after each round
  • If soap and water are not readily available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol ▪ Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Sneeze or cough into a tissue, or inside of your elbow; avoid spitting ▪ Players and Caddies may elect to wear a cloth face cover while on property (Subject to local health department guidelines)


  • The player and caddie must make every effort to socially distance from one another throughout the round. This is in an effort to maximize the health and safety of all participants inside the bubble and also to show best practices for playing golf to our fans watching the telecast.
  • The Player should make every effort to fulfill normal tasks during a round of golf, including but not limited to: − Removing and replacing golf clubs from the bag − Retrieving the golf ball from the hole (including the practice green) − Accessing the bag for golf balls, tees, gloves, etc.
  • The Caddie should perform other tasks during a round of golf, including but not limited to: − Raking bunkers (cleaning rake after) − Removing, tending and replacing flagsticks (cleaning flagstick after replaced)
  • The Player should take care and limit the interaction with their caddie during a round COMPETITIVE ADJUSTMENTS


  • Caddie Bibs should be picked up in the caddie tent/area at the beginning of each round/day
  • Caddie Bibs should be returned and placed in a bag/container back in the caddie facility or at the 18th or 9th green as advised by tournament
  • Caddie Bibs will be washed daily by the tournament to acceptable sanitizing standards
  • Caddie Services team will be tested


  • Limit total number of media
  • Workspaces spread out in acceptable social distance manner
  • Direct access to ShotLink via personal computers or assigned ShotLink computers
  • Potential for off-site media village for national media (CNN/FOX News/Morning and Evening news shows)
  • Media allowed on course outside the ropes
  • NO Inside Ropes, Practice Area or Locker Room Access
  • NO Pre-Round partner interviews
  • NO local Radio Stations broadcasting live
  • F&B would be grab and go/boxed lunches


  • No interview room – all interviews will take place at flash area
  • TOUR will coordinate a singular audio/video feed for all media outlets
  • Media at flash area will include a limited number of pool reporters each day selected from the list of credentialed media, significantly distanced from players and each other at all times
  • 1 on 1 interviews will be approved by PGA TOUR Media Officials, to be conducted in a socially distant manner
  • All equipment including microphones will be sanitized in the flash areas
  • Virtual interviews will be coordinated for media not able to be onsite VIRTUAL MEDIA CENTER
  • All existing Media Regulations are still in place
  • Media would get access to ShotLink through their personal laptop
  • Dropbox that would contain video and photos, transcripts and tournament information

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