Irish teams qualify at Senior European Championships


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The 13th instalment of the European Senior Men’s Team Championships, being played at Diamond GC this year, started badly when the first day had to be cancelled due to heavy rain and qualification was reduced to a single round.

 Adrian Morrow / Image from Getty Images
Ireland, who are the defending champions at the event qualified in third position in the one day shoot-out in Austria and now face Scotland in the second round having finished qualifying on +8.  They were seeded third in Flight A while England topped the qualifying on +3 to earn the top seeded spot and they are joined by Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Scotland and Sweden in the top flight.
Ireland are represented by John Mitchell, Barry Hobson, Adrian Morrow, Maurice Kelly, Jim Carville and Steve Graham and the teams go head to head now with England vs Sweden, France vs Germany, Ireland vs Scotland and Italy vs Spain the matches for today.
In the Senior Ladies’ Championships at Golf du Mont Garni in France, Ireland have also qualified for Flight A and the team of Pat Doran, Margaret McAuliffe, Suzanne Corcoran, Catherine Reilly, Gertie McMullen and Laura Webb will take on Belgium in the quarter finals today.

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