GUI confirms golf course closures under Level 5 restrictions

Irish Golfer

(Photo by John McCoy/Getty Images)

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Following intensive engagement over the past 48 hours, the GUI and ILGU have been informed by Sport Ireland that, very regrettably, golf clubs must close under the new level 5 restrictions.​

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6 responses to “GUI confirms golf course closures under Level 5 restrictions”

  1. Declan M avatar
    Declan M

    Absolutely comical like the government this doesnt make one bit of sense and they expect us to buy into these restrictions i think everyone has had enough of this now and its probably all because of golfgate which is the real reason why golf courses are being shut down not because of any other reason. Personally im not going to adhere to restrictions sue me.

  2. Richard Parsons avatar
    Richard Parsons

    Does anyone know what the government’s reasoning is for closing golf courses ?
    They are happy for schools to be opened (indoors) upto 25 kids
    Gaelic football and hurling (contact sport)
    Not to mention THAT essential buisness off licence.
    And yet they close golf courses which is by far the safest and also very good for health.

  3. Joe Mahoney avatar
    Joe Mahoney

    We need to lobby our TDs. Tell them to get this reversed or don’t come looking for a vote next election.

  4. Ivan avatar

    Yeah its make non/sense. You can walk on the footpath 5km diameter where you meet more people than on the golf course. But you can’t play golf where you always stay away from each others. Just two words Stupid government.

  5. Charlie avatar

    ridiculous , for me it’s very damaging. 63 yrs of age and Golf is all I have since March. Just dont know how I am going to cope.
    Mental health ?????????

  6. Pj avatar

    We have Rugby , Hurling and Football being played all contact sports and not Golf
    Maybe it’s the power of these organisations

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