GUI & ILGU boards agree on One Governing Body proposal

Bernie McGuire
Bernie McGuire

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Following extensive discussions and consultation, the Boards of the Golfing Union of Ireland (GUI) and the Irish Ladies Golf Union (ILGU) have approved a Proposal which provides for the formation of a single governing body for Golf in Ireland.

The ILGU and GUI will now prepare for EGMs of the organisations at which affiliated clubs will vote on the Proposal.

In the coming months, information packs containing important details regarding the new organisation will be prepared and issued to affiliated clubs. The packs will include the Proposal and all information pertinent to clubs, in the form of an Executive Summary and Frequently Asked Questions.

The EGMs are expected to be held before the end of 2018, with the club briefings being held in advance of the vote date. The ILGU and the GUI will hold separate club briefings with their respective ladies and men’s clubs in advance of the vote date. The exact date(s) for the briefings and the EGMs will be agreed by the respective Boards, with affiliated clubs being notified in due course.

If the clubs of the ILGU and GUI support the proposal, a transition phase will commence during which the GUI, ILGU and Confederation of Golf in Ireland (CGI) will be wound down and the new body will be established to carry out all activities currently undertaken by the three organisations.

For any further information on the project, please visit or email

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